The duration of processing of passport takes between 6 to 8 weeks from the time of application, shipment of passport from DFA-Manila up to the time of release of the new passport.  

Applicant who opted for the Mailing of Passport

Once the new passports are available, the Embassy Consular Section informs the applicants through email of the date of the mailing of their passports, with special instruction on the cancellation of their old passports.

Applicant who opted for Pick-up of Passport

Once the new passports are available, the Embassy Consular Section informs the applicants through email of the date when they may claim the new passport. On the given appointment, the applicant brings and presents their old passport to the Consular Section for cancellation.

Note: Passports left unclaimed by the applicant one (1) year after receiving notice from the Embassy Consular Section of its availability shall be cancelled and disposed.

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