• Hosted the 2nd Philippines-Netherlands Bilateral Consultations Meeting on 29 June
  • Conducted the webinar “PH-NL Connections @ 70: Reconstructing History and Forging Ahead” on November 9 and 10, in partnership with the Ateneo de Manila University and the Embassy of The Netherlands in Manila, in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of PH-NL diplomatic relations
  • Published and launched on 10 November the book “Crossroads: A Compendium of Agreements between the Philippines and The Netherlands, 1951-2021”
  • Assisted in the revitalization of the Philippines-Netherlands Business Council, with the election on 15 November of new Board Members and the creation of the Advisory Council
  • Hosted the Filipino-Dutch community leaders picnic on 4 September and gave commendations to outstanding Filcom organizations
  • Conducted on 8-12 October an outreach consular mission in Aruba and the Dutch Carribean, assisting some 228 Filipinos in the renewal of passport, overseas absentee voting registration, and reacquisition of Philippine citizenship
  • Proactively participated in the meetings of Organization of the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Hague Conference on Private International Law, Common Fund for Commodities and the Permanent Court of Arbitration
  • Facilitated in November to December the repatriation flights for Filipinos stranded by the Red-list categorization of The Netherlands due to increased incidence of COVID-19 cases