19 January 2018 - The ASEAN Night on 16 January focused on the many highlights of PH’s 2017 Chairship of ASEAN that were delivered by PH Ambassador Jaime Victor B. Ledda (standing upfront) before an audience made up of ASEAN Heads of Posts in The Hague and Brussels, ASEAN Dialogue Partners including the EU and OPCW Director General Ahmet Űzűmcű. The ASEAN Committee in The Hague (ACTH) was organized by Indonesia’s Ambassador I. Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja (left photo below, standing) being ACTH current Chair to welcome the New Year as ACTH looks forward to its upcoming activities to increase ASEAN awareness among Dutch stakeholders. The ASEAN Night was also organized to symbolically present Singapore as ASEAN’s 2018 Chair with the attendance to this event by its Brussels-based Ambassador Jaya Ratnam (right photo below, by lectern) who briefly discussed his country’s ASEAN Chairship with its theme on resilience and innovation.
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