Hosted the 2nd Philippines-Netherlands Bilateral Consultations Meeting on 29 June
Conducted the webinar “PH-NL Connections @ 70: Reconstructing History and Forging Ahead” on November 9 and 10, in partnership with the Ateneo de Manila University and the Embassy of The Netherlands in Manila, in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of PH-NL diplomatic relations
Published and launched on 10 November the book “Crossroads: A Compendium of Agreements between the Philippines and The Netherlands, 1951-2021”
Assisted in the revitalization of the Philippines-Netherlands Business Council, with the election on 15 November of new Board Members and the creation of the Advisory Council
Hosted the Filipino-Dutch community leaders picnic on 4 September and gave commendations to outstanding Filcom organizations
Conducted on 8-12 October an outreach consular mission in Aruba and the Dutch Carribean, assisting some 228 Filipinos in the renewal of passport, overseas absentee voting registration, and reacquisition of Philippine citizenship
Proactively participated in the meetings of Organization of the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Hague Conference on Private International Law, Common Fund for Commodities and the Permanent Court of Arbitration
Facilitated in November to December the repatriation flights for Filipinos stranded by the Red-list categorization of The Netherlands due to increased incidence of COVID-19 cases