Republic Act 9225, or the Citizenship Retention and Reacquisition Act of 2003, was passed into law on 29 August 2003. RA 9225 grants natural born Filipinos who have lost their Filipino citizenship through naturalization in a foreign country the opportunity to retain or reacquire their Filipino citizenship.
Requirements and Procedure for Retention/Reacquisition of Philippine Citizenship
As laid out in the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Philippine Bureau of Immigration, the requirements for those who wish to reacquire or retain their Filipino citizenship are as follows:
1. Duly accomplished Petition for Reacquisition/Retention of Philippine Citizenship
2. Five (5) passport size ID photographs with royal blue background
3. PSA authenticated Birth Certificate/ Report of Birth
4. Certificate of Naturalization, with English translation, as a Dutch citizen or other documentary proof of acquisition of Dutch citizenship (present original and submit photocopy)
5. Current valid foreign passport (present original and submit photocopy of information page)
6. If still available, latest Philippine passport (present original and submit photocopy of passport data page)
7. For those with minor children/dependents included in the application:
(a)If birth was previously registered with Philippine authorities—PSA authenticated Birth Certificate/ Report of Birth
(b) If the Report of Birth is simultaneously filed with the RA9225 Petition— [*Please see requirements for ROB in Part 2.1 above, especially the Uittreksel uit de geboorteakte/International version of the local Birth Certificate from the Gemeente. The Birth Certificate must have an “Apostille” from the appropriate Dutch District Court (Rechtbank)]
Present the original Birth Certificate referred in items 7(a) and 7(b), plus two (2) ID photographs of the Child with royal blue background (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm)
8. For applicants who are married, widowed, divorced, or whose marriage was annulled (if applicable), present and submit copy of the appropriate document:
- In case of annulment or nullity of marriage or divorce, PSA authenticated Marriage Contract/Report of Marriage with annotation
- In case of death of spouse, PSA authenticated Death Certificate or PSA authenticated Report of Death issued by a Philippine Embassy or Consulate (need not be in PSA security paper if issued by the Philippine Embassy, The Hague)
9. Confirmed Online Appointment
To book an appointment, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and submit scanned copies of the required documents
10. Personal appearance at the Consular Section on the confirmed date of appointment
11. Presentation of original copies of documents submitted by email.
12. Payment of the required fees in PIN or cash.
Please note that applicants may be asked to submit additional supporting documents in case of discrepancies, etc. After the documents are assessed by the Embassy Consular Officer through e-mail, the applicant will be informed within five (5) working days from the date of submission whether the scanned documents are complete or not.
If approved, the applicant has to execute an Oath of Allegiance before a consular officer in the Embassy. After taking the Oath of Allegiance, the applicant may choose to apply for a Philippine passport. Please refer to the requirements for passport renewal (including Oath).
For questions or clarifications, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.