Section 4. Cross-Border Transfer of Local and Foreign Currencies
1. Local Currency. A person may import or export, or bring with him into or take out of the country, or electronically transfer, legal tender Philippine notes and coins, checks, money order and other bills of exchange drawn in pesos against banks operating in the Philippines in an amount not exceeding PHP50,000 without prior authorization by the BSP. Amounts in excess of said limit shall require prior written authorization from the BSP. The term “electronic transfer” as used herein shall mean a system where the authority to debit or credit an account (bank, business or individual) is provided by wire, with or without a source document being mailed to evidence the authority. The peso amount of the International Passenger Service Charge (IPSC) refunded to outbound exempt passengers8 shall not be included in the aforecited limit during the implementation of said IPSC refund.
Those passengers exempted under Philippine laws from payment of travel tax, airport tax and other travel related taxes or fees, which include the following: a. Philippine Sports Commission and its delegations or representatives to any international sports convention, conference and meeting, and athletes, coaches and other officials to any international competition under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6847 (The Philippine Sports Commission Act); and b. Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) under R.A. No. 10022 (Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995); Provided that, refund is made prior to departure at airports or other ports of exit.
2. Foreign Currency. Any person, who brings into or takes out of the Philippines foreign currency, as well as other foreign currency-denominated bearer monetary instruments, in excess of USD10,000 or its equivalent is required to declare the same in writing and to furnish information on the source and purpose of the transport of such currency or monetary instrument (Annex K). As used herein, “other foreign currency-denominated bearer monetary instruments” shall refer to the following foreign exchange-denominated instruments in bearer form whereby title thereto passes to another by endorsement, assignment or delivery: travelers’ checks, other checks, drafts, notes, money orders, bonds, deposit certificates, securities, commercial papers, trust certificates, custodial receipts, deposit substitute instruments, trading orders, transaction tickets and confirmation of sale/investment. (As amended by Circular Nos. 794 dated 18 April 2013, 874 dated 8 April 2015 and 922 dated 23 August 2016)
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